February 28, 2019 CMMA Breakfast Meeting
Speaker Mel Enger, LB Carlson: Planning for Profits on What You Have
Venue: Tour Wilkie Sanderson
Planning for Profits on What You Have
Mel is the president of LB Carlson, and the managing partner of the Minneapolis office. Mel’s public accounting experience spans more than 30 years. During that time, Mel has become a specialist in assisting clients in the manufacturing, graphic arts and professional services industries.

Melvin Enger, LB Carlson
Date: February 28, 2019
Time: 7:15 AM – 10:00 AM CST
Website: https://www.cmmaworks.org
Meeting and Tour:
Wilkie Sanderson
1010 N. Summit Avenue
Sauk Rapids, MN 56379
Contact: Tina Louis 800-654-5773
Email: Tina@MidwestManufacturers.com
Date/Time Details:
7:15 Registration
7:30 Breakfast Meeting
9:00 Tour of Wilkie Sanderson
Includes full breakfast. CMMA requests remittance for all reservations not canceled prior to the meeting.
*If a company is a CMMA member, ALL employees are eligible to attend at the member rate. Special needs? Tina@MidwestManufacturers.com or 800-654-5773
Invite A Guest! CMMA members are encouraged to bring a potential member from another company as a one-time FREE guest! Contact Tina at Tina@MidwestManufacturers.com to take advantage of this opportunity.